We provide below links for datasets created by the Conexões Amazônicas researchers. Hydrological Reanalysis Across the 20th Century: A Case Study of the Amazon Basin.
Hydrological Reanalysis Across the 20th Century: A Case Study of the Amazon Basin.
Author: Sly Wongchuig Correa
Source: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/9kjx9d7ycm/3
How to cite: Wongchuig, Sly, C., Paiva, R., Siqueira, V., Collischonn, W. 2019. “Hydrological reanalysis across the 20th century: A case study of the Amazon Basin.” Journal of Hydrology 570 (2019): 755-773.
Mapping spatial-temporal sediment dynamics of river-floodplains in the Amazon
Author: Alice Fassoni-Andrade
Source: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/wy2mz3nm7p/1
How to cite: Fassoni-Andrade, Alice César, and Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva. “Mapping spatial-temporal sediment dynamics of river-floodplains in the Amazon.” Remote Sensing of Environment 221 (2019): 94-107.
High-resolution mapping of floodplain topography from space: A case study in the Amazon
Author: Alice Fassoni-Andrade
Source: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/vn599y9szb/1
How to cite: Fassoni-Andrade, Alice César, et al. “High-resolution mapping of floodplain topography from space: A case study in the Amazon.” Remote Sensing of Environment 251 (2020): 112065.
Amazon basin simulated discharge dataset
Author: Rodrigo Paiva/Ayan Fleischmann
Source: https://www.ufrgs.br/lsh/products/amazon-basin-discharge-dataset/
How to cite: Paiva, R. C. D.; Buarque, D. C. ; Collischonn, W. ; Bonnet, M.-P. ; Frappart, F.; Calmant, S.; Bulhões Mendes, C. A.. Large-scale hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling of the Amazon River basin. Water Resources Research 49, 1226-1243, 2013.
Discharge projection for 2080-2100 for South American rivers
Author: João Paulo Brêda/Ayan Fleischmann
Source: https://www.ufrgs.br/lsh/products/climate-change-in-south-america/
How to cite: Brêda, J. P. L. F. ; Paiva, R. C. D. ; Collischonn, W. ; Bravo, J. M. ; Siqueira, V. A. ; steinke, E. B. . Climate change impacts on South American water balance from a continental-scale hydrological model driven by CMIP5 projections. Climatic Change, 158, 1-20, 2020.
Simulated Suspended Sediment Discharge for South America Rivers
Author: Hugo Fagundes
Source: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/k7c5482fsm/1
How to cite: Fagundes, H.O.; Fan, F.M.; Paiva, R.; Siqueira, V.; Buarque, D.; Kornowski, L.; Laipelt, L.; Collischonn, W. Sediment flows in South America supported by daily hydrologic‐hydrodynamic modeling. Water Resources Research 57(2), 2020.